Perfect for history buffs! old, young & the generally inquisitive. Multi-storied Britain is a historical hotbed, heaving with clues from the past to inspire your future adventures.
From the Jurassic south coast to the Viking-plundered north, Britain's history of invasions, battles, weddings, beheadings, thuggery, skullduggery (& not a little peacockery) make for a colourful tapestry, stitched together from many a well-spun yarn. The same could be said for this map.
Featuring over 1,500 royally visitable historical locations, journeys & stories, this cartographical blast from the past will inspire some intrepid time travel through bygone Britain, a seemingly foreign country where they did things very differently.
BRITAIN’S TOP 50 Take an epically epoch-spanning journey to Britain’s top history locations
PLACES WITH A PAST Over 600 forts, castles, sacred spots, monuments & hives of industry
TROUBLE & TRAGEDY Battlegrounds, plots, riots, rebellions and scenes of death, disaster, crime & punishment
MOVERS & SHAKERS Over 250 leaders, knaves, trailblazers & cultural icons
INNOVATION & PROGRESS 150 genius ideas, sporting highlights & social movements
HISTORY BROUGHT TO LIFE Get up close and historical with 250 of Britain’s most mesmerising museums, events, & festivals
TIMELESS TRIVIA A smattering of enjoyably random historical facts & delightful old nicknames for Britain’s cities
TRAILS THROUGH TIME Get some adventure inspiration with a broch-load of historical & history-inspired route
Full-colour, two-sided map - 100 cm x 89 cm
Printed on FSC-certified professional mapping paper
Dreamed up, designed and made in sunny Britain